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13 Mar, 2023

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Swachh Sujal Shakti Samman 2023

GS-I : Art and Culture Awards & Honours

Swachh Sujal Shakti Samman 2023

  • The "Swachh Sujal Shakti Samman 2023" was recently held by the Ministry of Jal Shakti to recognise the female leaders in the rural water and sanitation industry.
  • Jal Shakti Abhiyan - Catch the Rain 2023 was also introduced at the ceremony.

What are the Main Points

  • To recognise and highlight the leadership and participation of women at the grassroots level in the effort to create a "Swachh Sujal Bharat" this event was held in the days leading up to International Women's Day (8 March).
  • The "Swachh Sujal Shakti Samman 2023" was awarded to 36 women WASH Champions.

  • They received recognition for their remarkable and model work in the grassroots implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), Swachh Bharat Mission - Gramin (SBM-G), and Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain (JSA-CTR).
  • The Honorable President honoured the women who have excelled in their fields and made significant contributions to the National Flagship Missions, including water conservation, Har Ghar Jal Villages, and ODF Plus Model Villages.
  • The President of India launched 'Catch the Rain-2023' as part of efforts to turn the conservation of water into a national campaign in the run-up to the monsoon season.
  • Theme 2023: Drinking Water Source Sustainability.
  • Catch the rain as it falls, wherever it falls is the tagline
  • A Jan Andolan campaign called "Catch the Rain" aims to persuade all interested parties to build rainwater collection systems.
  • The National Water Mission (NWM), under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, is in charge of executing the campaign.

Both rural and urban areas of the nation participate in the campaign.

Source: Indian Express

Asia Energy Transition

GS-II : International Relations South East Asia

Asia Energy Transition

  • By extending its "Asia Energy Transition Initiative" (AETI) Japan intends to assist India in leading the transition to renewable energy.
  • The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries received its first support from Japan's AETI, which was launched in 2021, to achieve net zero emissions, including financial aid of USD 10 billion for renewable energy.


  • Goal: To attain carbon neutrality in Asia and sustainable growth.
  • It was initially focused on encouraging the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member nations to push for net-zero carbon emissions.
  • The initiative encourages the creation of energy transition road maps.
  • The financial support for LNG, energy efficiency, renewable energy, etc. is $10 billion.
  • Using the attainment of a 2 trillion yen budget for fuel-ammonia, hydrogen, etc., it aspires for technology research and deployment.
  • It promotes information sharing through the Asia Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) network and the development of decarbonization technology capability.

About Clean Energy

  • The term "Clean Energy Transition" describes the transition away from conventional, fossil fuel-based energy sources (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) and towards cleaner, more environmentally friendly energy sources.
  • The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ameliorate the effects of climate change, and address other Environmental and Public Health Issues related to the usage of fossil fuels is what is driving this transformation.
  • Renewable energy sources including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy are examples of clean energy sources. Energy storage technology like batteries and hydrogen fuel cells are further examples.

India - Japan Energy Relation

  • The G20 and G7 now have India and Japan as their respective leaders.
  • India's Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) initiative is one of the top priorities for the G20 presidency in terms of environmental sustainability.
  • Additionally, the Feed-in Premium (FiP) programme, launched by the Japanese government in April 2022, is anticipated to enhance the nation's energy transformation.
  • Japan has established a target to achieve net-zero status by 2050, and in May 2022, the government released an initial report on its Clean Energy Policy.
  • India has likewise established a challenging goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070.

India - Japan Relation

  • India-Japan contacts have improved as a result of increased strategic convergence, and their importance is expanding as a result of shared views on issues pertaining to the Indo-Pacific Region's peace, security, and stability.
  • The formalised Tri-Service Exchanges between Japan and India complete the trifecta. Since 2006, there have been yearly exchanges between the Coast Guards.
  • One of India's most important allies in its economic development is Japan. The India-Japan relationship has recently developed into a strong alliance with a clear goal.
  • To further current areas of cooperation as well as new initiatives within the scope of cooperation in S&T/ICT, focusing more on "Digital ICT Technologies," the India-Japan Digital Partnership (I-JDP) was inaugurated during PM Modi's visit to Japan in October 2018.

Further India-Japan Projects

  • The Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) was established by India, Japan, and Australia to challenge China's hegemony over the Indo-Pacific region's supply chain.
  • India and Japan inked the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) in 2020 to establish tight logistical cooperation between their armed forces.
  • Special Strategic and Global Partnership: In 2014, the relationship between India and Japan was improved.
  • Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA): Japan is India's 12th-biggest economic partner, and India is the largest receiver of Japanese aid.
  • G20, G4, and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor all share India and Japan as members (ITER).
Way Forward
  • In order to advance their standing in the international community, Japan and India cultivate and maintain connections with other nations. The two nations are connected by shared interests, particularly when it comes to foreign policy, in the dangerous world of today.
  • In the area of digital technology, India and Japan have many shared interests. Japan has the technology, while India has the manpower and the raw materials.

Both nations benefit from their tight cooperation when dealing with adversarial neighbours like China.

Source: The Hindu

Consumer Court

GS-II : Governance Consumer rights

Consumer Court

  • The Supreme Court reduced the required professional experience from 20 to 10 years to use its extraordinary powers under Article 142 to attract younger candidates to rule over consumer courts.

Principal Points of the Judgment

  • In a judgement, a Bench of Justices additionally introduced written tests and viva voce to verify the candidates' performance.
  • Two papers on topics like current events, the Constitution, consumer legislation, drafting, etc. would be included in the written test. A viva voce would also take place.
  • The court's ruling noted that the Consumer Protection (Qualification for Appointment, Method of Recruitment, Procedure of Appointment, Term of Office, Resignation, and Removal of President and Members of State Commission and District Commission) Rules, 2020, has been subject to several government amendment proposals.
  • The court ruled that its decision would serve as a temporary fill-in until the 2020 Regulations were amended.

Consumer Tribunals

  • Under the Consumer Protection Act, the Indian government established consumer courts to protect consumers' interests.
  • It is a special-purpose court that handles grievances, conflicts, and complaints from consumers.
  • If customers feel taken advantage of or cheated, they can submit a claim against the seller or service provider.
  • The establishment of a separate forum for consumer disputes is done so that issues can be quickly resolved with the least amount of difficulty and expense to the customers.
  • Consumer courts have shown to be the most successful method of giving consumers a recourse and resolving their complaints.
  • Unlike other forms of litigation, filing a complaint is simple and inexpensive.
  • The Consumer Protection Act of 2019 establishes a three-tier quasi-judicial framework, including district commissioners, state commissions, and national commissions, for the resolution of consumer issues.
  • The Act also specifies the financial authority of each level of the Consumer Commission.
  • When the value of the goods or services received in exchange does not exceed one crore rupees, District Commissions are authorised to hear complaints.

When the value of the goods or services paid as consideration exceeds 1 crore rupees but does not exceed 10 crore rupees, State Commissions have the authority to hear complaints; when the value of the goods or services paid as consideration exceeds 10 crore rupees, the National Commission has the authority to hear complaints.

Source: The Hindu

Indian Tea Industry

GS-III : Economic Issues Industry

Indian Tea Industry

  • India has implemented many measures to increase production to develop a specialised brand for Indian tea and guarantee the well-being of the families involved in the tea sector.
  • It is projected that Indian tea exports will reach 95% of the US$ 883 million goals established during 2022–2023 despite several geopolitical, geoeconomic, and logistical challenges.

Historical Perspective

  • China was the first country in the world to manufacture tea, and many of the tools used to make tea around the world were developed from traditional Chinese techniques.
  • As a result of British colonial India's need to import tea from China, which severely strained the nation's finances, the East India Company constructed tea plantations in Assam.
  • By the 1850s, India was one of the top tea-producing countries in the world. With independence, local tea brands were made accessible to the entire population as a beverage.
  • The East India Company lost its commercial monopoly with China with the Charter Act of 1833. Under William Bentinck, the Governor-General of India at the time, the Tea Committee was founded.

Status of Tea Industry

  • India, the second-largest tea producer in the world
  • Assam and West Bengal create the majority of the nation's yearly tea production, which will account for 83% of the total in the northern region of India in 2021–22.
  • Assam's two tea-growing areas belong to the Assam valley and Cachar.
  • The three main tea-producing regions in West Bengal are the Dooars, Terai, and Darjeeling.
  • The biggest producing states are Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka, which together account for 17% of the nation's overall production.
  • For the fiscal year 2020–2021, India produced around 1,283 million kg of tea.
  • 1.16 million people are employed directly and an equivalent number is involved indirectly in the Indian Tea Industry.
  • The Tea Board of India oversees all the tea production in India.
  • One of the businesses brought under the authority of the Union Government by a Parliamentary Act is the tea industry.
  • India is one of the top tea-drinking nations in the world, with domestic consumers consuming 80% of the nation's tea production.

Initiatives by the Government to Grow the Tea Industry

  • The Tea Board of India launched a programme called "Promotion for packaged Tea of Indian Origin" to assist Indian exporters in consistently marketing Indian-origin teas in foreign markets.
  • The programme offers assistance with promotional efforts, including up to 25% of the cost reimbursement, exhibition in international department stores, creation of product literature and websites, and up to 25% of the cost of inspection fees reimbursed.
  • The Tea Board also offers domestic exporters financial aid so they can take part in international fairs and exhibitions.
  • The objective is to give exporters a platform to display their goods at international events for promotion and to make it easier to create trading opportunities.

Tea Board of India

  • The Indian Tea Cess Bill, which was approved in the year 1903, is when the Tea Board of India first came into existence.
  • Under Section 4 of the Tea Act of 1953, the current Tea Board was established.
  • Under the direction of the Ministry of Trade, it serves as a statutory body of the Central Government.
  • The Board is made up of 31 members, including the chairman, who are chosen from among members of parliament, tea growers, traders, and consumers as well as government representatives from the major tea-producing states and trade unions.
  • Kolkata is the HQ
  • Every three years, the Board is reconstituted. The Tea Board previously had offices in Kuwait and Egypt. These two offices, however, were moved to Dubai.
Export Data
  • India ranks among the top 5 global exporters of tea, accounting for 10% of global exports.
  • In the year 2021, the total value of tea exports from India was roughly USD 687.9 million.
  • India sends tea abroad to more than 25 different nations.
  • Some of the top countries importing tea from India are China, Russia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
  • India exported 201 million kg of tea in total between 2021 and 2022.
  • Black tea accounts for around 96% of all tea exports from India and is the most common type.
  • Black tea, regular tea, green tea, herbal tea, masala tea, and lemon tea are among the varieties of tea exported through India.
Issues that the Tea Industry is Facing
  • The main problem facing the Indian tea industry right now is overproduction. India produces more tea than is needed to meet domestic and international demand.
  • Black tea is widely produced in China but is not eaten there. China is consequently attempting to push to sell the total quantity of excess black tea. As a result, Indian tea exports might be in danger.
  • Another risk to Indian export is that, with the introduction of the six-digit origin code for tea, India is no longer the country of origin following some value addition. The new product re-enters the Indian market after a minor value enhancement.
Way Forward
  • Due to the immense production capacity and the large number of people it employs in the northeastern regions, the Indian tea industry has numerous opportunities to grow.

The most important requirement for a very labour-centric industry like tea plantations is a fully transparent, sustainable model that strikes a good balance between the organic and modernisation approach.

Source: The Hindu

Forest Certification in India

GS-III : Biodiversity & Environment Forest

Forest Certification in India

  • In recent years, deforestation has elevated to the status of a highly sensitive worldwide issue, necessitating increased demand for forest certification.
  • Deforestation has recently become a highly sensitive issue due to climate change, necessitating the need for Forest Certification to control the importation and sale of items derived from forests.
  • During the Glasgow climate conference in 2021, more than 100 nations committed to halting deforestation by 2030 and beginning its reversal.

About Forest Certification

  • The independent third-party audits that started the three-decade-old worldwide certification business were intended to examine that management sustainably.
  • It is a system for tracking, labelling, and monitoring non-timber forest products, wood and pulp products, and timber from forests.
  • It is a method through which the effectiveness of management from environmental, social, and economic viewpoints is assessed in comparison to a number of established standards.
  • The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certifications (PEFC) have each created one of the two main worldwide standards. The cost of FSC certification is higher and it is more in demand.
  • They do not take part in the auditing and evaluation of the procedures; those tasks are handled by certifying bodies approved by FSC or PEFC.

The Certification's Importance

  • To increase their market accessibility to western markets, such as the European Union and the USA, forest-based sectors in India, particularly those for paper, boards, plywood, medium-density fiberboard, furniture, and handicrafts, have been campaigning for forest certification.
  • The certification programme aims to enhance India's Forest Management System, which is frequently criticised for a number of problems plaguing the industry, including infringements on forest rights, degradation of the environment, loss of biodiversity, encroachments, a lack of labour, etc.
  • There are two different certifications: Chain of Custody and Forest Management (FM) (CoC).
  • The purpose of CoC certification is to ensure that a forest product, such as lumber, can be tracked from its place of origin to its point of sale.

India-Specific Standard for Certification

  • Only treated wood, not raw wood, is permitted for export from India. In actuality, the amount of lumber taken from Indian forests is insufficient to satisfy domestic demand for buildings, furniture, and other goods.
  • Every year, India's forests provide roughly five million cubic metres of wood. Trees outside of forests supply 85% of the demand for wood and wood products (ToF). 10% or so is imported.
  • India spends between Rs 50,000 and Rs 60,000 crore annually on wood imports.
  • New certification criteria are being established for the sustainable management of ToF because of their significance.
  • ToF certification is currently available through PEFC, and in 2022 FSC developed criteria for India that also included ToF certification.

Industry of Forest Certification

  • The independent third-party audits that started the three-decade-old worldwide certification business were intended to examine that management sustainably.
  • The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certifications (PEFC) have each created one of the two main worldwide standards. The cost of FSC certification is higher and it is more in demand.
  • They do not take part in the auditing and evaluation of the procedures; those tasks are handled by certifying bodies approved by FSC or PEFC.
  • Instead of requiring the use of its standards, PEFC supports the "national" standards of any nation if they are compatible with its own.
Forest Certification in India
  • In India, the forest certification sector has been active for the past 15 years.
  • Only one state, Uttar Pradesh, currently has certified forests.
  • The criteria have been prepared by the New Delhi-based organisation Network for Certification and Protection of Forests (NCCF).
  • Only treated wood, not raw wood, is permitted for export from India. In India, there is a yearly demand for 150–170 million cubic metres of wood, including 90–100 million cubic metres of unprocessed wood. The remainder is primarily used to satisfy the demand for paper and pulp.

Every year, India's forests provide roughly five million cubic metres of wood. Trees outside of forests provide over 85% of the demand for wood and wood products.

Source: Indian Express

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