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10 Mar, 2023

17 Min Read

Chandrayaan-3 Mission

GS-III : S&T Space

Chandrayaan-3 Mission

  • The flight acceptance hot test of the CE-20 cryogenic engine, which will power the cryogenic upper stage of the launch vehicle for the Chandrayaan-3 mission, was recently completed successfully by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
  • In the Tamil Nadu ISRO Propulsion Complex in Mahendragiri, the test was successfully completed.

About Chandrayaan 3 Mission

  • The Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan 3 spacecraft is the Third Lunar Exploration Mission (ISRO). This spacecraft was designed by the ISRO to showcase India's expertise in soft landings on stellar bodies. Only a rover and lander will be present, and it will only connect with the earth through an orbiter from Chandrayaan 2.
  • This expansive purpose not only includes integration, and cognition but also several permutations. In addition, the spacecraft still needs to undergo some other thorough tests.

Chandrayaan 3's features

  • A rover and lander will be aboard Chandrayaan 3 as it launches into space. There won't be any orbiters like Chandrayaan 2 in it.
  • India wants to look at the Moon's surface, especially in regions that haven't seen sunlight in a few billion years. These darker regions of the lunar surface may contain Ice and Rich Mineral Deposits, according to scientists and astronomers.
  • Additionally, this exploration will try to examine the exosphere, subsurface as well as surface.
  • This spacecraft's rover will interact with the Earth through an orbiter salvaged from Chandrayaan 2.

At a distance of 100 km from the lunar orbit, it will take pictures of the surface to analyse it.

Why is it so important to explore the Moon?

  • The Moon is the nearest celestial body at which space exploration can be tried and recorded.
  • In addition, the Moon provides a suitable test site for demonstrating the technology needed for Deep Space Missions.
  • Exploring the Moon will improve our comprehension of the celestial body, spur technological development, foster international cooperation, and incite new generations of scientists and explorers.

Why is the Moon's Lunar South Pole a focus of exploration?

  • The best connection to Earth's early history and civilization is made by the Moon.
  • The exploration will provide an unaltered historical record of the conditions in the Inner Solar System.
  • The shadow-covered portion of the lunar surface at the South Pole is significantly bigger than at the North Pole, which makes it particularly interesting.
  • In addition, places around it that are always in the shadows can be water homes.
  • A fossil record of the early Solar System can also be found in cold trap craters near the South Pole.
Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LVM3)
  • The biggest rocket currently in service by India is the Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LVM3), the newest medium-heavy lift launch vehicle from ISRO. The rocket, formerly known as the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III), is primarily made to put satellites into geostationary orbit, which is a 35,000-kilometer orbit.
  • With a larger cryogenic upper stage and a larger first stage than the GSLV Mk II, the LVM3 is able to lift substantially heavier satellites. Whereas the PSLV, which is launched into low Earth polar orbits, is a four-stage vehicle, both the GSLV Mk II and the LVM3 are three-stage rockets.
  • The GSLV Mk-II is capable of launching up to 5,000 kg into low earth orbit and 2,500 kg into geosynchronous orbit. The LVM3 can lift up to 8,000 kg to LEO and up to 4,000 kg to GTO, in contrast. The heaviest rocket that is currently in use is America's SpaceX Falcon Heavy, a super-heavy lift vehicle.

The human-rated version of the LVM3, which will be utilised for also the Gaganyaan missions.

Source: The Hindu

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act

GS-III : Economic Issues Investment

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act

Latest Context

  • The Center for Policy Research's (CPR), Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) licence was recently suspended by the Ministry of Home Affairs
  • The Income Tax authorities previously studied and surveyed CPR (not-for-profit group), along with Oxfam India, and the Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation (IPSMF).

About Foreign Contribution Regulation Act

  • Foreign donations are governed by the "Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act" (FCRA), which also makes sure they don't compromise domestic security.
  • First passed in 1976, it was revised in 2010 and a plethora of new regulations regarding foreign donations was established.
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for implementing the FCRA act.
  • According to the new regulations announced by the MHA in 2015, NGOs must certify that accepting foreign donations won't jeopardise India's sovereignty and integrity, have a negative influence on friendly relations with other countries, or cause racial strife.

Need for FCRA

  • The act intends to prevent foreigners from meddling in Indian political politics, journalism, public service, etc. for improper ends or actions harmful to the general welfare. Those who violate the FCRA's rules risk up to five years in prison.


  • All associations, groups, and even NGOs that wish to accept foreign donations must comply with the FCRA norm. All of these NGOs are required by law to register with the FCRA.

About FCRA 1976

  • The Foreign Contribution and Hospitality Regulation Act (FCRA) was passed on March 31, 1976, to regulate how individuals and organisations use foreign contributions and hospitality while upholding the principles of a sovereign, democratic republic. To maintain stringent control over non-profit organisations and political groupings that accepted foreign funds, the FCRA was enacted in 1976. The act was amended in 1984 to mandate that all nongovernmental organisations register with the Home Ministry. The law was repealed in 2010 and replaced with a new one that had stricter regulations.

About FCRA 2010

  • A consolidation law known as FCRA 2010 was adopted by the Indian government in that year. It aims to control foreign contributions, donations, and hospitality (travel, lodging, etc.) given to Indian organisations and people, as well as to prevent such contributions from harming the country's interests. It is a law that was passed to control and forbid businesses, associations, or people from accepting or using foreign contributions or hospitality for actions that would be harmful to the interests of the country, as well as for issues related to or incidental to those activities.
  • Although being a financial statute, the Act is under the competence of the Home Ministry and not the Central Bank of India because it is internal security legislation (RBI).
  • In 2010, the UPA administration passed an amended FCRA.
  • The law was once again revised by the current administration in 2020, providing it greater oversight and control over how foreign contributions are received and used by NGOs.
  • In April of this year, the Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to the 2020 revisions.
Provision of the Act
  • The Act stipulates that to receive foreign donations, a person or Organisation must register with the Act and open a bank account with the State Bank of India in Delhi.
  • to only use such funds for the purposes for which they were intended and in accordance with the Act.
  • Additionally, they must submit yearly reports and refrain from giving the money to another Organization.
  • The Act forbids political parties, legislators, candidates for public office, journalists, newspaper and media firms, judges, government employees, and organisations with a political bent from accepting foreign donations.
Enrollment in the FCRA
  • FCRA registrations are given to people or organisations with established social, religious, educational, economic, and cultural initiatives.
  • MHA investigates the applicant's history through the Intelligence Bureau and processes the application as a result.
  • The MHA has 90 days to approve or reject the application; if it does not, it is expected to notify the NGO of its decision and provide justification.
  • A FCRA registration is good for five years after it has been approved.
  • NGOs are required to submit a renewal application within six months of the registration expiration date. If a renewal application is not submitted, the registration is presumed to have expired.
When does a registration become cancelled or suspended?
  • If the government determines that an NGO is in breach of the Act, it reserves the power to revoke its FCRA registration.
  • If "the Central Government considers it necessary for the public interest to cancel the certificate," for example, registration may be cancelled.
  • An NGO cannot re-register for three years after having its registration terminated.

New guidelines to banks on Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act rules

  • Branch of the State Bank of India in New Delhi: A new clause was included that mandates that all NGOs receive foreign donations in a specific bank account at the branch of the State Bank of India in New Delhi.
  • Any Organizations looking for donations from abroad are required to open a dedicated FCRA account at the local SBI branch.
  • The NGOs may keep their current FCRA accounts with any other bank, but they must be compelled to link them to the New Delhi branch of SBI.

only permitted banking channels Only through banking channels may foreign contributions be received, and they must be recorded according to the rules.

Read Also: Funding for NGOs

Source: The Hindu

World Wildlife Day

GS-III : Biodiversity & Environment Biodiversity & Environment

World Wildlife Day

Latest Context

  • World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually by the UNGA (United nation general assembly) to increase public awareness of the world's animals and plants. It was announced in December 2013 during the 68th meeting of the UN General Assembly.
  • Partnerships for wildlife conservation will be the focus(Theme) of World Wildlife Day 2023, which aims to recognise people who are making a difference in preserving the world's flora and animals.

Historical Perspective

  • The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which was ratified on March 3, 1973, is crucial in making sure that trade between nations does not put the existence of the species in jeopardy. The Convention is an international pact between states to guarantee that the sale of specimens of wild animals and plants does not jeopardise the existence of the species.
  • CITES, which regulates trade in wild animals and plants, has 183 member nations and is one of the most effective weapons for biodiversity conservation in the world.
  • Previously, a decision to declare March 3 as "World Wildlife Day" was taken at the 16th Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP16), which was held in Bangkok in March 2013.
  • According to this agreement, UN organisations, businesses, nonprofits, and nongovernmental organisations must continue to work for the preservation of wildlife, its sustainable use, and the struggle against the illegal trafficking and extinction of wildlife.

Significance of Worldwide Day

  • The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau is a statutory organisation within the Ministry in India that is specifically designed to tackle organised wildlife crime in the country, in addition to the Union Ministery of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
  • The forest and the wildlife species that live there, the ecological services it provides, and people—especially indigenous people—all coexist in a symbiotic relationship.
  • Around 28% of the forest acreage is currently under the management of the native forest dwellers.
  • Loss of the planet's biological diversity poses an existential risk to all living things.
  • The continuing extinction of wildlife species threatens to destroy entire ecosystems and jeopardises the health of everyone who depends on them.
  • But, we can alter the direction and restore imperilled species and their habitats, so this is not inescapable.
  • It can spur group conservation efforts, changing the course of events for important animal and plant species.
  • It can guide people towards living sustainably and in harmony with nature.
  • It recognises the necessity for global leadership and unifying political will to develop a strong post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and safeguard our shared future.

How World Wildlife Day is Celebrated

  • using numerous platforms to carry out awareness campaigns and activities.
  • The main emphasis of the initiatives is on getting the message out, particularly to kids and young people.
  • encouraging people and organisations to host events and celebrations on their terms using a variety of mediums such as online forums, film festivals, exhibitions of art, and talk programmes.
  • Presenting to friends, coworkers, and community members; or live performance, if circumstances permit.
  • encouraging people to speak up and spread the news on social media by urging people and organisations to intensify their conservation efforts for threatened species locally and globally.

The goal of World Wildlife Day is to highlight ongoing activities that continue throughout the year, rather than just one strange event that happens once a year. It is common knowledge that wildlife conservation is a problem that requires daily consideration and effort. Life has been shaped and nourished by close interactions between many species of flora and wildlife over the course of billions of years.

Read Also: Environment Related Important Dates

Source: The Hindu

Battle of Bakhmut

GS-II : International Relations International issues

Battle of Bakhmut

  • The Ukrainian military may opt to withdraw its forces from Bakhmut, a strategically important position.

Bakhmut Battle

  • In the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, there is a little mining town called Bakhmut.
  • Having served as both the focus of Russian attacks and the location of tenacious Ukrainian military defence, Bakhmut is now in ruins.

The Significance of Bakhmut

  • The proximity of Bakhmut near numerous significant routes may have some strategic advantage for the Russian invasion.
  • It serves as a significant transportation centre, several supply lines pass through it, and Russia may establish a base there.
  • Beyond its modest strategic significance, the town has come to represent the war as a whole, inspiring both sides' unwavering determination to maintain possession of it.

Interests in Politics of the Wagner Group

  • The Wagner Group, a mysterious private militia, has been in charge of the Bakhmut operations.
  • Wagner has seen the Bakhmut campaign as a political opportunity to advance in Russia and gain influence.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, Bakhmut will forever be a grim representation of the conflict in which political objectives, military needs, and concepts of honour have combined to result in thousands of deaths, countless injuries, millions of displaced people, and a large portion of Ukraine that is a smouldering, frequently toxic, wreck.

Source: Indian Express

Porter prize 2023

GS-I : Art and Culture Awards & Honours

Porter Prize 2023

  • Recently, the Porter Prize 2023 was awarded to the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry.

Major Points

  • The government's approach to managing COVID-19, as well as the approach and involvement of many stakeholders, including the involvement of ASHA workers in the industry to create PPE Kits, were recognised with the award.
  • Its involvement in the creation and production of vaccinations
  • The award was presented during The India Dialog at Stanford University.
  • The Indian Economy 2023: Innovation, Competitiveness, and Social Development was the focus and the theme of the two-day conference.

Porter Award

  • It bears Michael E. Porter's name, an economist who has won awards.
  • He has applied economic theory and strategy ideas to some of the most difficult issues that businesses, economies, and societies have to deal with, such as market competitiveness and corporate strategy, economic development, the environment, and healthcare.

He is currently the economist and business scholar who is most frequently mentioned.

Source: Indian Express

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