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09 Jul, 2022

18 Min Read


GS-II : Indian Polity Rajya sabha


Recently, the Central Government nominated 4 members to the Rajya Sabha. Soon, the Legislative Assemblies of 4 states will also elect 16 MPs to Rajya Sabha.

Nominated member

The four new nominated members in the Rajya Sabha are:

  • Track and field icon -Pt Usha
  • Musician- Ilaiyaraaja
  • Telugu screenwriter- V Vijayendra Prasad, and
  • Philanthropist and spiritual leader- Veerendra Hegade

All these members belong to four southern states, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

The upper house of the parliament now has nine nominated members the other five are Lawyer Mahesh Jethmalani, dancer Sonal Man Singh, politician Ram Shakal and the author and columnist Rakesh Sinha, and the former chief justice of India Ranjan Gogi.

Composition of Rajya Sabha

  • The maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha is fixed at 250, out of which, 238 are to be the representatives of the states and union territories, which are elected indirectly and 12 are nominated by the President.
  • At present, the Rajya Sabha has 245 members. Of these, 229 members represent the states, 4 members represent the union territories and 12 members are nominated by the President.

The Fourth Schedule of the Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the States and the Union Territories.

Representation of States:

  • The representatives of states in the Upper House of the parliament are elected by the elected members of state legislative assemblies.
  • The election is held by the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote (STV).
  • The seats are allotted to the states in the Rajya Sabha based on population.
  • Hence, the number of representatives in the Rajya Sabha varies from state to state. For instance, there are 31 Rajya Sabha seats from Uttar Pradesh and 1 from Goa.

Representation of Union Territories

  • The representatives of each union territory in the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the members of an electoral college specially constituted for the purpose.
  • This election is also held by the System of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote (STV).
  • Out of the seven union territories, only two, Delhi and Puducherry have representation in Rajya Sabha.
  • The populations of the other five union territories are too small to have any representative in the Rajya Sabha.

Nominated Members:

  • The President nominates 12 members to the Rajya Sabha from people who have special knowledge or practical experience in art, literature, science, and social service.

Duration of Rajya Sabha

  • The Rajya Sabha was first constituted in 1952 and is a continuing chamber, that is, it is a permanent body and not subject to dissolution like the Lok Sabha.
  • To ensure continuity, one-third of its members retire after every second year, under Article 83(1) of the Indian Constitution.
  • Their seats are filled up by fresh elections and Presidential nominations at the starting of every third year.
  • The Parliament in the Representation of the People Act (1951) provided that the term of office of a member of the Rajya Sabha shall be six years.

Nominated member of Rajya Sabha

Constitutional provision

  • Article 80 of the Constitution says that the Council of the State shall consist of (a) twelve members to be nominated by the President of India.

Power and privileges Of Nominated member

  • Nominated members of Rajya Sabha enjoy all the power and privileges to which the elected members of the Parliament are entitled.
  • They can also take part in the proceeding of the house in a normal manner.
  • They get the same facilities as the MP’s of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha

Nominated members are not allowed to vote in the election of the President, but they can become part of the election of Vice- President of India.

Significance of Nominations

  • The rationale behind this nomination is to provide an eminent person a place in the Rajya Sabha without going through the process of election.
  • It gives an opportunity to those who might be willing to participate in the debate with an amount of learning and make the legislative work better with their experience and expertise.


  • Poor attendance

There has been criticism that several nominated members have poor attendance and do not appear to show high interest in legislative work. In this context, cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, actor Rekha, and businesswoman Anu Aga have faced huge criticism in recent years.

  • The politicization of the nominated category

Over time, the high ideal of the nomination came to be eroded. Ruling dispensations have repeatedly used the nominated category to increase their numbers in the House, dispense favours, and get their preferred individuals into Parliament.

While a nominated member can join a political party within six months of taking his or her seat in the House, even those who remain technically independent are assumed to be aligned with the ruling regime.

Way Forward

N Gopalaswami Ayyangar, who was part of the Constitution Drafting Committee had argued that the nominated members are an asset to the nation because of their learning and they would actively contribute to the quality & depth of debate. This very purpose has been defeated many times, so it’s the responsibility of the government to add those members who can very well pour their expertise into debates and take their roles consciously.

Source: The Hindu


GS-II : Government policies and interventions Government Schemes & Programmes


The Women and Child Development Ministry released guidelines to access central funds and benefits under Mission Vatsalya.

About Mission Vatsalya

  • It is the main scheme for child protection services in the country.
  • The goal of Mission Vatsalya is to secure a healthy and happy childhood for every child in the nation.
  • It promotes family-based non-institutional care of children in difficult circumstances based on the principle of institutionalism of children as a measure of last resort.
  • The scheme will be implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in collaboration with the State Governments and the Union Territories, with a fund-sharing pattern in a 60:40 ratio.
  • For the state in the northeast as well as Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and UT of Jammu Kashmir, the centre and state /UT share will be 90:10.
  • Mission Vatsalya, in partnership with state and districts, will execute 24x7 helpline services for children as defined under Juvenile Justice Act 2015.

Components under Mission Vatsalya include:

  • Improve the functioning of statutory bodies,
  • Strengthen service delivery structures,
  • Upscale institutional care and services,
  • Encourage non-institutional community-based care
  • Emergency outreach services
  • Training and capacity building

Other Provision under the Scheme

  • Committees

At the State Level, there will be a committee headed by the Chief Secretary to monitor, review and promote convergence in the implementation of the scheme. There will also be a committee at the district level.

  • Promoting adoption

Guidelines state that Mission Vatsalya will support State Adoption Resource Agencies (SARA), which will support the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) in promoting in-country adoption and regulating inter-country adoption. CARA shall coordinate, monitor, and develop the work related to non-institutional care including adoption in the state.

  • Separate children’s homes

Based on gender (including the separate homes for transgender children) and age will be established for children in need of care, as well as for special needs children.

  • Sign language

The staff in special units will have to know sign language Braille, etc, according to the new guidelines published

  • Grading exercise

State governments are required to take up the exercise to grade each child care institution (CCI) at fixed intervals. The grading will be done based on infrastructure, quality of services, and wellbeing of children, especially in terms of health, education, restoration and rehabilitation of children, etc.

  • Focus on Special Need of the Children

States and UTs have also been directed to focus on special needs children in child care institutions, who are unable to attend school with physical or mental disabilities and would now be provided special educators, therapists, and nurses to impart occupational therapy, speech therapy, verbal therapy, and other remedial classes.

  • Open Shelter

Open Shelters registered by the state government will also be supported to look after runaway children, missing children, trafficked children, working children, children in street situations, child beggars, child substance abusers, and children affected by any natural disaster, children living in unauthorized areas/slums, etc.

The Open Shelters are not meant to provide permanent residential facilities for children but will complement the existing institutional care facilities.

  • Financial Support

Financial support has also been approved for vulnerable children living with extended families or in foster care, supporting their education, nutrition, and health needs.

Source: The Hindu


GS-I : Art and Culture Awards & Honours


  • Recently, Ukrainian mathematician Maryna Viazovska along with the other three mathematicians received the prestigious Fields Medals.
  • Fields medal is often described as the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.

What are the Key Highlights of the Field Medal?

  • The Fields Medal is awarded every four years to one or more mathematicians under the age of forty year
  • Fields medal is awarded to recognize the outstanding mathematical achievement for existing work and the promise of future achievement.
  • Fields Medal is given at the International Congress of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
  • The Fields Medal Committee is selected by the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union and is normally chaired by the IMU President

The international mathematical union (IMU) is an international non-governmental and non-profit scientific organization. The purpose of IMU is to promote international cooperation in the field of mathematics.


  • The 1924 ICM in Toronto adopted a resolution that at each conference, two gold medals would be awarded to recognize outstanding mathematical achievement.
  • The Canadian mathematician Prof J C Fields, who was also the secretary of the 1924 Congress, later donated funds to establish the medals, which were named in his honour.
  • In 1966, it was agreed that, in light of the great expansion of mathematical research, up to 4 medals could be awarded at each Congress.
  • It was first awarded in the year 1936.

What about the Indian-origin winners?

  • More than sixty mathematicians have been awarded the Fields Medal since 1936, out of which two are of Indian origin
  • Akshay Venkatesh of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in the year 2018 and Manjul Bhargava of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University in 2014.

Source: The Hindu

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