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06 Dec, 2023

17 Min Read

Garba Dance

GS-I : Art and Culture Art and Culture

Recently, India’s Garba dance was included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage list by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

  • It is a ritualistic and devotional dance performed throughout the State of Gujarat and across India.
  • Garba – It is celebrated for 9 days during Navaratri festival and is dedicated to the worship of the feminine energy or Shakti.
  • Garba dance – The cultural, performative, and visual expressions of this feminine energy are expressed through this dance.
  • Participatory community event – It takes place within homes, temple courtyards, and public spaces in villages, urban squares, streets, and large open grounds.

Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) includes oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.

  • It is included based on provisions of 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Garba of Gujarat is the 15th cultural item from India to make it to the UNESCO list. Kolkata’s Durga Puja was the last one added two years ago.

  • Significance of inclusion – It will helps ensure the viability of Garba and inspires the community to continue with the knowledge, skills and oral traditions associated with it.


Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India (ADSI) 2022

GS-II : Governance Law and Order

According to the Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India (ADSI) 2022 report, India reported over 1.7 lakh suicides in 2022.

  • Released by – National Crime Record Bureau’s (NCRB)
  • Maximum suicidesMaharashtra tops followed by Tamil Nadu Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Telangana.
  • No suicides of Farmers & Agricultural Laborers8 states and 4 UT’s.
  • Women statusAround 48,000 women died by suicide.
  • Among women suicides, homemakers were highest (about 14% of in total suicides) followed by students and daily wage earners..
  • Trans-persons – 28 were reported to have died by suicide.
  • CausesFamily problems and illness together accounted for almost 50% of all suicides followed by drug abuse, alcohol addiction, marriage related issues, etc.
  • Under the cause of ‘marriage related issues’ most were women specifically citing ‘dowry related’ as one of the causes.

Crime in India (2022) Report

  • It is an annual report released by NCRB.
  • Crimes against SC and ST persons – There is an overall increase where Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan reported with the highest incidents.
  • Mizoram, which had no cases of atrocities in 2021, reported atrocity cases in 2022.
  • Offences against the State – It had increased marginally than with about a 25% increase in cases registered under UAPA but there is a dip in sedition cases under IPC.
  • Fake Indian currency notes (FICN) – The government has seized FICN worth over Rs. 342 crore in 2022.

National Crime Record Bureau

  • Established- 1986
  • Headquarters- New Delhi
  • Nodal agency- Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Motto- Empowering Indian Police with Information Technology
  • Mandate- To compile and keep records of data on crime.
  • National warehouse- For the fingerprint records of Indian and foreign criminals, and assists in locating interstate criminals through fingerprint search.
  • National Cybercrime Reporting Portal- NCRB has been appointed as Central Nodal agency to manage technical and operational functions of the online cyber-crime reporting portal and associated work of Cyber Crime Prevention against Women & Children (CCPWC) scheme.
  • Crime Multi-Agency Centre (Cri-MAC)- NCRB has recently launched this application for flashing alerts or crime bulletins on important matters of crime and for inter-unit communication among disjointed police units across the country.
  • Publications-
    • Crime in India
    • Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India (ADSI)
    • Prison Statistics India
    • Report on Missing Women and Children
    • Finger Prints in India


Composite Water Management Index (CWMI)

GS-II : Governance Governance

NITI weighs discontinuing key water report launched 5 years ago.

  • Released by – Niti Aayog
  • Prepared by – Niti Aayog in association with 3 ministries of central government (Water Resources, Drinking Water & Sanitation, and Rural Development).
  • Objective – It ranked states in terms of efficacy of water management on the basis of 28 parameters.
  • Reports – The 1st edition provided data for 2015-16 and 2016-17 in 2018 and the 2nd edition was launched in 2019 for 2017-18.

SDG 6 of UN encompasses ‘to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’.

  • Unpublished reportsThe performance of states for 2018-19 and 2019-20 (CWMI 3.0 and 4.0) are yet to be released but it points out that water scarcity is a national problem.
  • According to 2019-20 data, Gujarat tops the list and Rajasthan jumped 9 positions upward from 2017-18, while Goa and Punjab has gone down.

The average annual per capita water availability is expected to reduce to 1,486 cubic meters per person per year by 2021 from 1,545 in 2011, according to the Jal Shakti Ministry.

As per norms, the availability value of less than 1,700 cubic meter/person/year indicates water shortage and value below 1,000 cubic metre/capita/year is considered as scarcity.

India is suffering from the worst water crisis in its history and millions of lives and livelihoods are under threat.Currently, 600 million Indians face high to extreme water stress and about two lakh people die every year due to inadequate access to safe water. The crisis is only going to get worse.

  • By 2030, the country’s water demand is projected to be twice the available supply, implying severe water scarcity for hundreds of millions of people and an eventual ~6% loss in the country’s GDP.
    • As per the norms, the availability value of less than 1,700 cubic meter/person/year indicates water shortage.
    • Water availability below 1,000 cubic metre/capita/year is considered as “scarcity”.
  • The UN University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), had warned that India is close to reaching its groundwater risk tipping point.
    • Environmental tipping points are critical thresholds in the Earth’s systems, beyond which abrupt and often irreversible changes occur.
  • Thus, there is an imminent need to deepen the understanding of India’s water resources and usage and put in place interventions that make its water use efficient and sustainable.

What is the CWMI?

  • About:
    • The National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog has developed the CWMI in 2018 to enable effective water management in Indian states in the face of this growing crisis.
    • The report is being prepared in association with 3 ministries - Water Resources, Drinking Water & Sanitation, and Rural Development.
  • Objectives of the Index:
    • To bring about much-required improvements in water resource management and conservation in India in a coherent and collaborative manner.
    • It will be a public platform that provides an annual snapshot of the water sector status and the water management performance of the different states and UTs in India.
    • It will measure both the overall progress made by states in water management and the incremental improvement in performance across time.
  • Significance of the Index:
    • It is meant to foster a culture of evidence and data-backed policy-decisions for sustainable and efficient management of water resources.
    • The Index is expected to promote the spirit of 'competitive and cooperative federalism' in the country.
    • The data included in the Index will be made publicly available to researchers and entrepreneurs to drive innovation in the sector.
    • The collection and compilation of this strategic dataset is a big step towards addressing the country’s projected water risk and shortfall.
  • Themes and indicators of the Index: The Index comprises 9 themes (each having an attached weight) with 28 different indicators covering -
    • Groundwater and surface water restoration,
    • Major and medium irrigation,
    • Watershed development,
    • Participatory irrigation management,
    • On-farm water use,
    • Rural and urban water supply, and
    • Policy and governance.

News Summary Regarding NITI Aayog’s Decision to Make CWMI ‘Internal’:

  • The first edition of the CWMI provided data for 2015-16 and 2016-17, and the second edition launched in August 2019 was for 2017-18.
    • According to the report for 2019-20, Gujarat tops the list with continuous improvements year on year and is closely followed by Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and MP in terms of performance.
  • Recently, the NITI Aayog wrote to the Union Ministry of Jal Shakti, seeking the government’s perspective on the “use and applicability” of the Index and whether the CWMI should continue.
    • There has been no response from the Ministry, even as the third and fourth editions are awaiting release.
  • The latest report maps the performance of states for 2018-19 and 2019-20, and points out that water scarcity is a “national problem”.
    • The average annual per capita water availability is expected to reduce to 1,486 cubic meters per person per year by 2021 from 1,545 cubic meters per person per year in 2011.


Nuclear Gravity Bombs


The United States' plans to build new nuclear gravity bomb will be designated as B61-13.

  • Gravity bombs work by being pulled to the ground by the force of gravity instead of flying to the target on a powered missile.
  • In this case, a bomber or an aircraft flies over the target and drops the bomb.
  • These bombs do not consist of a guidance system and, hence, follow a ballistic trajectory.
  • B61 – 13 - According to reports, the new bomb is estimated to be 360 kilotons, which is roughly 24 times powerful than the blast that destroyed Hiroshima.

The 2 bombs that the US dropped on Japan's Hiroshima was about 15 kilotons (or) 15 thousand tonnes (or kilotons) of TNT equivalent and Nagasaki was of 25 kilotons.

  • The B61-13 will replace the 1980s era B61-7. The maximum yield of the B61-12 is 50 kilotons.
  • The warhead reportedly had options, including 0.3kt, 1.5kt, 10kt, and 50kt.
  • The B61-13 is intended to have the same yield as the B61-7, but with the modern safety, security, and accuracy features common to the B61-12 line currently in production.


MAHARISHI - International Research Initiative


  • It is an initiative proposed by India to advance research in the field of millets and other ancient grains.
  • The initiative's secretariat is based at the Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) in Hyderabad.

Technical Support - International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 1 CGIAR Centres, and other international organizations.


Pilatus PC-7 Mk II


  • The PC-7 is a low-wing, turbo-prop aircraft on which IAF pilots undergo basic training.
  • It was developed from the piston-powered Pilatus P-3 aircraft and is manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft Ltd, Switzerland.
  • The maximum operating speed of the aircraft is 556 km per hour, while the maximum range of the aircraft is 1,500 km.

There are 75 Pilatus PC-7 Mk II aircraft in service with the IAF.


Dr. B.R Ambedkar

GS-I : Modern History Personalities

  • Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar was born on 14th April, 1891 and died on 6th Dec, 1956 his death anniversary is observed as Mahaparinirvan Diwas across the country.
  • His important works - In 1924 he started All India depressed classes association with Sir Chimanlal Setalvad.
  • The Bahiskrit Bharat, newspaper was started in 1927 to address the cause of the depressed classes in view of the new reform.

He was conferred with the Title of Bodhisattva while he was alive.


“Miyawaki” Plantation Method

GS-II : Governance Urban Governance

  • It is an initiative of creating mini forests in urban areas for the afforestation programme.
  • Named after Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, this method involves planting 2 to 4 different types of indigenous trees within every square metre.
  • In this method, the trees become self-sustaining don’t require regular manuring and watering and they grow to their full length within 3 years.

The methodology was developed in the 1970s, with the basic objective to densify green cover within a small parcel of land.


Operation ‘Nanhe Farishtey’

GS-II : Governance Policies and Programmes

  • Operation Nanhe Farishte is a Railway Protection Force (RPF) initiative to reconnect children who have been lost or separated from their families.
  • The operation also rescues children who come into contact with Indian Railways and need care and protection.

The children are then handed over to authorities and returned to their families.


Kopili Fault (KF) zone

GS-I : Physical Geography Earthquake

  • Seismogenic liquefaction features like multiple sand dykes and sand sills have been identified by scientists in an active fault in northeastern region (NER), called Kopili fault (KF) zone.
  • The Kopili Fault, a lineament situated in the northeastern region (NER), extends from the western part of Manipur to the tri-junction of Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, and Assam.

It is one of the active fault that has experienced large earthquakes and falls into the Highest Seismic Hazard Zone V.


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