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03 Dec, 2023

24 Min Read

Manipur violence and UNLF Peace Accord

GS-III : Internal security Internal security

Geography of Manipur and History of Violence in Manipur

There are 16 districts in Manipur, but the state is commonly thought of as divided into ‘valley’ and ‘hill’ districts. Today’s valley districts of Imphal East, Imphal West, Thoubal, Bishnupur, and Kakching were part of the erstwhile kingdom of Kangleipak, ruled by the Ningthouja dynasty.

  • The Manipur valley is encircled by skirts of low hills (hill areas comprise the bulk of Manipur’s geographical area), live 15 Naga tribes and the Chin-Kuki-Mizo-Zomi group, which includes the Kuki, Thadou, Hmar, Paite, Vaiphei and Zou peoples.
  • The Kangleipak kingdom, then a British protectorate, was repeatedly raided by Naga tribes who came down from the northern hills. The British political agent in Manipur brought the Kuki-Zomi from the Kuki-Chin hills of Burma to protect the valley from plunder by acting as a buffer between the Meiteis and the Nagas.
    • The Kukis, like the Nagas, were fierce headhunting warriors — and the Maharaja gave them land along the ridges, where they could act as a shield for the Imphal valley below.
  • Kuki-Meitei divide: The hill communities (Naga & Kuki) and the Meiteis have had ethnic tensions since the kingdom era. The Naga movement for independence in the 1950s triggered insurgencies among the Meiteis and Kuki-Zomi. The Kuki-Zomi groups militarised in the 1990s to demand a state within India called ‘Kukiland’(a state within India). This alienated them from the Meiteis, whom they had earlier defended.
    • In 1993, Hindu Meiteis clashed with Pangals (Muslims), and also there was horrific violence between the tribal Nagas and Kukis, which saw more than a hundred Kukis massacred in a single day by Nagas, and thousands driven from their homes.
  • District of Churachandpur: Kuki-Zomi-dominated Churachandpur (a Myanmar bordered District) has mostly Christian population. It is the country’s poorest district (as per the Panchayati Raj Ministry in 2006) and it remains abjectly poor.
    • In 2015, as the Meiteis of the valley protested demanding ILP in Imphal city, equally intense protests were seen in Churachandpur countering the demand and protesting the introduction of laws.

There have been violent communal clashes in Manipur due to the Manipur High Court (HC) directing the State to pursue a 10-year-old recommendation to grant Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the non-tribal Meitei community.The violence escalated after the All-Tribal Student Union Manipur (ATSUM) organized a "tribal solidarity rally" against the alleged move to include the Meiteis on the ST list.

Which are the major communities residing in Manipur?

  • The State is like a football stadium with the Imphal Valley representing the playfield at the centre and the surrounding hills the galleries.
  • The valley, which comprises about 10% of Manipur’s landmass, is dominated by the non-tribal Meitei.
    • This area yields 40 of the State’s 60 MLAs.
  • The hills comprising 90% of the geographical area are inhabited by more than 35% recognised tribes.
    • This area sends only 20 MLAs to the Assembly.

Why does the Meitei community want ST status?

  • There has been an organised push in support of this demand since 2012, led by the Scheduled Tribes Demand Committee of Manipur (STDCM).
  • Recognised as tribe before merger with India
    • In their plea before the High Court, it was argued that the Meitei community was recognised as a tribe before the merger of the princely state of Manipur with the Union of India in 1949.
    • It lost its identity as a tribe after the merger.
  • Need to preserve tradition and culture
    • The demand for ST status arose from the need to preserve the community, and save the ancestral land, tradition, culture and language of the Meiteis.
    • As per the arguments forwarded by the community in the court:
      • The community has been victimised without any constitutional safeguards to date.
      • The Meitein/Meetei have been gradually marginalised in their ancestral land.
      • Their population which was 59% of the total population of Manipur in 1951 has now been reduced to 44% as per 2011 Census data.

Why are tribal groups against ST status for Meiteis?

  • The tribal groups say the Meiteis have a demographic and political advantage besides being more advanced than them academically and in other aspects.
    • The Meiteis are a dominant group controlling the state and its apparatuses.
    • Hence, the claim that Meiteis need ST status to protect their culture and identity is self-defeating.
  • They feel the ST status to the Meiteis would lead to loss of job opportunities and allow them to acquire land in the hills and push the tribals out.
  • The Manipuri language of the Meiteis is included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
  • Sections of the Meitei community — which is predominantly Hindu — are already classified under Scheduled Castes (SC) or Other Backward Classes (OBC).

The Process of Inclusion in the ST List

  • State governments starts recommendation for inclusion of the tribes in the list of ST.
  • After the recommendation of the state govt, Tribal Affairs Ministry reviews and sends them to the Registrar General of India, Under the Home Ministry for approval.
  • After approval, it is sent to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and then sent to the Cabinet for a final decision.
  • Once the cabinet finalizes it, then it introduces a bill in the parliament to amend the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, and the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950.
  • After the amendment bill is passed by both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the President’s office takes the final decision under Articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution.

What led to the recent Unrest?

  • While the forest eviction and demand for ST status for Meiteis have been the most prominent recent triggers, the divide between the Meiteis and tribals on several issues has widened over the past decade.
  • Issues in Delimitation Process: In 2020, as the Centre began the first delimitation process in the state since 1973, the Meitei community alleged that the Census figures used in the exercise did not accurately reflect the population break-up.
    • Tribal groups (Kuki and Nagas) on the other hand said they had grown to 40% of the state’s population and were underrepresented in the Assembly.
  • Intrusion of Migrants from Neighbour Area: The February 2021 coup in Myanmar has led to a refugee crisis in India’s Northeast. Meitei leaders have alleged that there has been a sudden mushrooming of villages in Churachandpur district.
  • The Drugs Problem: Some tribal groups with vested interests are trying to scuttle govt’s crusade against drugs.
    • The anti-drug drive was started by destroying poppy fields. “Illegal settlers” related to the Kuki-Zomi of Manipur, growing drugs on cleared lands.
  • Recent Unrest: The first violent protest erupted over the eviction of the residents of a Kuki village.
    • 38 villages in the Churachandpur-Khoupum Protected Forest area (in Churachandpur and Noney districts) are “illegal settlements” and its residents are “encroachers (encroaching reserved and protected forests and wildlife sanctuaries for poppy plantation and drugs business”).
    • Kuki groups have claimed that the survey and eviction is a violation of Article 371C, as kukis are residents of Hill Area.
      • Article 371C provides for the creation of a committee of the Manipur Legislative Assembly consisting of the members elected from the Hill Areas of the state and Governor shall have responsibility for proper functioning of that committee.
      • At the State level there is Hill Area Committee constituted under the Manipur Legislative Assembly (Hill Areas Committee) order, 1972. The Hill areas Committee comprises of all MLAs elected from the hill areas of the State as its members.
    • The state government withdrew from the suspension of operations agreements with two Kuki extremist groups accused of inciting the protesters.

Mitigating efforts to control VIOLENCE

  • Need to evaluate the criteria for ST status (to Meities) in line with recommendations given by several Committees, like:
    • The Lokur Committee (1965) recommended 5 criteria for identification, namely, primitive traits, distinct culture, geographical isolation, shyness of contact with the community at large, and backwardness.
    • Bhuria Commission (2002-2004) focused on a wide range of issues from the 5th Schedule to tribal land and forests, health and education, the working of Panchayats and the status of tribal women.
    • A High-Level Committee (HLC) in 2013, under chairmanship of Prof. Virginius Xaxa was constituted to study the 5 critical issues related to tribal communities: (1) livelihood and employment, (2) education, (3) health, (4) involuntary displacement and migration, (5) and legal and constitutional matters.
  • Bring more surveillance along the border areas to prevent the incursion of the migrants from Myanmar. Strengthening economic and diplomatic ties with neighboring countries can help enhance regional stability and security.
  • Need to maintain the identity of the people along the border areas to identify the local residence. Signing Peace settlement agreements with the local insurgent group to maintain the peace in the region.
  • The repeal of AFSPA, the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act1958, is necessary to improve the human rights situation in the region. The government should ensure that the legal system is fair and transparent to prevent the misuse of power by security forces.
  • The government should foster the participation of the people of the region in the decision-making process to instill a sense of ownership and belonging.

UNLF Peace Accord

Recently, the Centre and Manipur government signed a peace agreement with the United National Liberation Front (UNLF), the oldest valley-based armed group in Manipur.

History of insurgency in Manipur

  • Manipur has been in the cross-currents of India’s oldest insurgent movements.
  • Naga movement- It is the country’s longest-running insurgency which fights for the Greater Nagaland or Nagalim.
  • Kuki - They also have fought the Indian government for an ‘independent Kuki homeland’, spread across Manipur.
  • The Kuki insurgency gained momentum after ethnic clashes with the Nagas of Manipur in the early 1990s.
  • Meitei - The Meiteis in Manipuropposed the merger agreement between the Manipuri king and the Indian government in 1949.

What is the history of UNLF?

It is Manipur’s oldest militant group dominated by the Meitei community and one of the seven “Meitei Extremist Organisations” banned by the Union government under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act

  • Established-1964
  • Founder- Arambam Samarendra
  • Aim- To liberate Manipur from India and to form an independent socialist state of Manipur.
  • It is distinct from the insurgent groups active in the state’s Naga-dominated and Kuki-Zomi dominated hills.
  • Objective-
    • It favoured a long-term programme to secede from India, form alliance mainly with China and gradually capture political power with the help of an indoctrinated young population and the intelligentsia.
    • It aimed at reclaiming the Kabow Valley in Myanmar.
  • Manipur People’s Army- It is an armed wing formed in 1990 which has carried out attacks on India’s security force.
  • 4 point proposal- In 2005, it mooted a proposal to bring the Indo-Manipur conflict to an end.


It should be conducted under United Nations (UN) supervision to elicit the opinion of the people of the State on the core issue of restoration of Manipur’s independence.

UN peace keeping force

They should be deployed in Manipur to ensure that the process is free and fair.

Arms surrender

Arms to be surrendered to UN force by UNLF, matched by the withdrawal of Indian troops

Political authority

Handing over of political power by the UN in accordance with the results of the plebiscite.

  • Government’s response- The Central government didn’t accept the 4-point proposal by UNLF.
  • Factions- UNLF split into 2 factions due to internal differences.
    • Khundongbam Pambei- Signed the peace agreement recently with the government.
    • NC Koireng- Remains opposed to talks.

What is the significance of the deal?

  • Historic milestone- The pact marks a historic milestone, as it is the 1st time a valley-based proscribed organization has engaged in peace negotiations since the eruption of ethnic violence in 2023.
  • Establish peace- The UNLF, known for its armed struggle, has agreed to renounce violence and participate in the peaceful democratic process.
  • Success of tripartite agreements- The tripartite accords initiated by the Centre since 2014 have led to surrendering and a substantial decline in violence in terms of security forces, civilian casualties and number of violent incidents.
  • Rehabilitation- The agreement provides for the rehabilitation and re-settlement of UNLF's armed cadres.
  • Institutional support- A Peace Monitoring Committee will oversee the enforcement of agreed ground rules.

What are the challenges?

  • Multiple stakeholders- The peace agreement can be complex to implement due to multiplicity of stakeholders and their divergent interests and grievances.
  • Unknown terms- The terms of the agreement are not known and the involvement of militants in the latest ethnic conflict may complicate the issue further.
  • Opening up of issues- If criminal cases are withdrawn, then similar concessions have to be given on the other side to the Kuki militants who professedly are continuing with the Suspension of Operations agreement.
  • Diverse demands- Each group has distinct historical grievances, aspirations and demands, making it hard to arrive at a resolution that satisfies all parties.
  • Vulnerability- The fragility of peace agreements also lies in their vulnerability to disruptions caused by extremist factions or splinter groups within these communities.
  • Distrust- Lack of trust in the government’s commitment to fulfil promises outlined in peace agreement undermines its effectiveness.
  • Geopolitical factors- The reluctance of neighbouring countries to support peace processes or interference by external actors can destabilise the region.


Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA)

GS-III : Internal security Internal security

  • Aim- To prevent and punish unlawful and terrorist activities that threaten the sovereignty and integrity of the country.
  • Definition- The Act defines unlawful activities as any action that
    • supports, propagates, or advocates secession from India,
    • disclaims or questions the territorial integrity of India,
    • causes or intends to cause disaffection against India,
    • supports any terrorist organization or individual.
  • Declaration of unlawful associations- The Act empowers the Central government to declare any organisation or individual as unlawful.
  • Tribunal- The declaration is subject to judicial review by a tribunal constituted by a sitting or retired judge of a High Court.
  • Punishment-
    • Unlawful activity- Imprisonment ranging from 5 years to life, and fine.
    • Terrorist activity- Death penalty or imprisonment for life, and fine
  • National Investigation Agency (NIA)- It is authorized to investigate any offence under the Act, and to arrest any person who is reasonably suspected of having committed such offence.
  • It also provides for the attachment and forfeiture of any property that is derived from, or used for, any unlawful or terrorist activity by NIA.
  • Special courts- It is established by the Central or State government to try any offence under the Act.
  • Appeal- It provides for the appeal and revision of the judgments of the special courts by the High Court and the Supreme Court.



GS-III : S&T Achievements of Indians in S&T

India is set to launch XPoSat (X-ray Polarimeter Satellite), its dedicated polarimetry mission to study various dynamics of bright astronomical X-ray sources in extreme conditions.

  • Launch vehicle – Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
  • Mission life – Approximately 5 years.
  • Objective – To study of temporal, spectral, and polarization features of the bright X-Ray sources.
  • 2 scientific payloads – POLIX and XSPECT.
  • Orbit – The payloads are carried to the low earth orbit (non-sun synchronous orbit of ~650 km altitude, low inclination of approximately 6 degree).

POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in X-rays)

  • It is the primary payload to measure polarimetry parameters.
  • Developed by – The Raman Research Institute (RRI), Bengaluru, with support from various ISRO centres.
  • Objective – To specifically measure the degree and angle of polarization in the medium X-ray energy range of 8-30 keV photons originating from astronomical sources.

POLIX is the 1st payload in the medium X-ray energy band dedicated for polarimetry measurements.

  • It is made of a collimator, a scatterer and 4 X-ray proportional counter detectors that surrounds the scatterer.
  • Scatterer – It is made of low atomic mass material which causes anisotropic Thomson scattering of incoming polarised X-rays.
  • Collimator – It restricts the field of view to 3 degree x 3 degree so as to have only 1 bright source in the field of view.
  • It is expected to observer about 40 bright astronomical sources of different categories.

XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing)

  • Developed by – The U.R. Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), ISRO.
  • Objective – To do long-term spectral and temporal studies of cosmic X-Ray sources in the energy band of 0.8-15 keV.
  • Passive collimators – They are used to reduce the background by narrowing the field of view of XSPECT.
  • It would observe several types of sources viz X-ray pulsars, black hole binaries, low-magnetic field neutron star (NS) in LMXBs, AGNs and Magnetars.


Voice over 5G (Vo5G/ VoNR) AND Volte


Reports indicate Reliance Jio, India’s largest mobile carrier, has been testing VoNR behind the scenes whose aim is to improve voice quality in calls.

It is also known as Voice over New Radio (VoNR).VoNR is the IMS based voice calling services that use the 5G network for its source of Internet Protocol (IP) voice processing instead of the current standard that uses 4G.

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) is a standards-based architectural framework for delivering multimedia communications services such as voice, video and text messaging over IP networks.

  • Pre-requisite - A phone that supports Vo5G, a carrier that offers Vo5G and a 5G signal in your area.
  • It takes the improvements of 5G (like speed, capacity, and responsiveness) to voice calls.
  • Better call quality – It uses advanced audio codecs that provides superior clarity and fidelity based on 5G’s increased data capacity.
  • Faster call connection time – It is due to 5G’s reduced network latency and doing away with switching to VoLTE while calling.
  • Reliable and continuity of calls – There is lower packet loss, potentially leading to fewer voice cut-outs and will end the call drop issues.

VoLTE (Voice over Long-Term Evolution) 1st hit the scene in India back in 2016 that enabled crystal clear WhatsApp-quality voice on calls.



GS-II : International Relations International issues

  • Damascus, one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities, is the capital and the largest city of Syria.
  • It is located in South-western Syria at the foothills of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range.
  • It is the 4th holiest city in Islam, and was known as the Pearl of the East

It recently secures the top spot as the cheapest city to live in.


1st spy satellite of South Korea

GS-III : S&T International S&T initiative

  • South Korea has recently launched its 1st spy satellite after North Korea’s recent launch.
  • The satellite is launched using the SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket.
  • It was the first of 5 spy satellites South Korea plans to send into space by 2025 using SpaceX.

South Korea had no military reconnaissance satellites of its own in space and has partially resorted to the United States' spy satellites to monitor moves by North Korea.


Thitu Islands & Subi Reef

GS-I : Physical Geography World Geography

  • The Philippines opened a coast guard base on the contested island of Thitu, South China Sea recently.
  • Thitu Island - Thitu Island is a rock located in the Spratly Islands. The Philippines first took possession of the feature in 1974.
  • Subi Reef – It is a low-tide elevation in the Spratly Islands.

It is located in the South China Sea and it was possessed by China in 1988.


Sparsh Bharati

GS-II : Government policies and interventions Government Schemes & Programmes

  • After introducing the Bharati script V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, a professor in IIT Madras has developed a script for persons with visual impairment named as Sparsh Bharati.
  • This ‘Indian Braille’ can be used across Indian languages.
  • Bharati is a simple and unified script which can be used to write most major Indian languages.

It is designed using simplest shapes, often borrowing simple characters from various Indian languages/scripts and English.


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