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02 Dec, 2020

13 Min Read

MGNREGS – Job Demand Increases

GS-II : Government policies and interventions Government policies and interventions

MGNREGS – Job Demand Increases

GS Paper-2 Governance (Mains-I.V)

Context: During COVID-19 due to reverse migration the demand for MGNREGA suddenly increases. 96% of gram panchayats have logged work under the scheme in the financial year (2020-21) as compared to the previous seven years. This TOPIC is highly important for the UPSC Mains examination.

  • The NREGS is a demand-based scheme and has emerged as a safety net during the pandemic for jobless migrant workers returning to their villages
  • Despite a progressive relaxation in Covid-19 curbs to revive the economy, 96% of gram panchayats have logged work under the scheme in the financial year (2020-21) as compared to the previous seven years.
  • Over 96% of gram panchayats across the country have registered demand for work under NREGS from April till November-end.
  • Over 6.5 crore households, covering 9.42 crore individuals, have availed of NREGS till November 2020, which is an all-time high.
  • Over 265.81 crore person days have been generated, which is higher than 265.44 crores generated in 2019.
  • 1.98 crore households availed of the scheme in October 2020, which is 82% higher than in 2019.
  • The highest demand for work came from Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
  • The number of gram panchayats generating nil person days of work (panchayats with zero person days work) during the current financial year are at an eight-year low of only 3.42% of the 2.68 lakh gram panchayats across the country. In 2019, the number of gram panchayats generating nil person days during the entire period was 3.91% of the total 2.64 lakh gram panchayats.
  • The wage expenditure has also reached an all-time high of Rs. 53,522 crores during this period.
  • Tamil Nadu has reported the highest figure of households that availed the NREGS across the country, since July and has been followed by West Bengal. These two states were not covered under the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan.

National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

  • The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 was notified by the Government of India on September, 2005 and was made effective in February 2006. Under it, the NREGS was introduced.
  • The Act aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage employment in a financial year to a rural household whose adult members (at least 18 years of age) volunteer to do unskilled work.
  • The central government bears the full cost of unskilled labour, and 75% of the cost of material (the rest is borne by the states).
  • It is a demand-driven, social security and labour law that aims to enforce the ‘right to work’.
  • Ministry of Rural Development in association with state governments, monitors the implementation of the scheme.

Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan

  • It was launched in June 2020 to empower and provide livelihood opportunities to the returnee migrant workers and rural citizens who had returned to their home states due to the lockdowns.
  • It worked in mission mode for 125 days with an outlay of Rs. 50,000 crore.
  • A total of 116 districts across six states, namely Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha were chosen for the campaign.
    • These districts covered the maximum number (about 2/3) of such migrant workers who had returned.
    • The chosen districts include 27 Aspirational Districts, districts which are affected by poor socio-economic indicators. These are aspirational in the context, that improvement in these districts can lead to the overall improvement in human development in India. It is a NITI Aayog’s Programme.

Aspirational Districts’ Programme

  • Aspirational Districts are those districts in India, that are affected by poor socio-economic indicators.
  • These are aspirational in the context, that improvement in these districts can lead to the overall improvement in human development in India.
  • The 115 districts were identified from 28 states, at least one from each state.
  • At the Government of India level, the programme is anchored by NITI Aayog. In addition, individual Ministries have assumed responsibility to drive the progress of districts.
  • The objective of the program is to monitor the real-time progress of aspirational districts.
  • ADP is based on 49 indicators from the 5 identified thematic areas, which focuses closely on improving people’s Health & Nutrition, Education, Agriculture & Water Resources, Financial Inclusion & Skill Development, and Basic Infrastructure.
  • With States as the main drivers, ADP seeks to focus on the strength of each district, identify low-hanging fruits for immediate improvement, measure progress, and rank districts.
  • The broad contours of the programme are:
    • Convergence (of Central & State Schemes) which brings together the horizontal and vertical tiers of the government.
    • Collaboration (of Central, State level ‘Prabhari’ Officers & District Collectors) which enables impactful partnerships between government, market and civil society.
    • Competition among districts driven by a spirit of the mass movement, it fosters accountability on district governments.
  • The Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) is one of the largest experiments on outcomes-focused governance in the world.

Source: IE

Unlawful Religious Conversion Prohibition Ordinance-Uttar pradesh

GS-II : Government policies and interventions State related legislation

Unlawful Religious Conversion Prohibition Ordinance-Uttar Pradesh

UPSC GS-PAPER-2 GOVERNANCE – Article -21 & 25 related issue

Context: Highly important to study secularism. UP Government initiated the war against LOVE JIHAD which many groups of people considered the dilution of fundamental rights and freedom of conscience. Article-21 is in the debate which permits RIGHT TO MARRIAGE.

The Uttar Pradesh government has recently passed an ordinance to deal with unlawful religious conversions, which are in opposition of various judgements of the Supreme Court.

What it is?

UP Unlawful Religious Conversion Prohibition Ordinance, 2020:

  • Violation of the provisions of the law would invite a jail term of not less than one year extendable to five years with a fine of Rs. 15,000.
  • If a minor woman or a woman from the Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) converts, the jail term would be a minimum of three years and could be extended to 10 years with a fine of Rs. 25,000.
  • The ordinance also lays down strict action, including cancellation of registration of social organisations conducting mass conversions, which would invite a jail term of not less than three years and up to 10 years and a fine of Rs. 50,000.
  • It makes religious conversion for marriage a non-bailable offence and the onus will be on the defendant to prove that conversion was not for marriage.
  • The notice period to the District Magistrate for the religious conversion is two months.
  • In case of conversion done by a woman for the sole purpose of marriage, the marriage would be declared null and void.

SC on Marriage and Conversion:

  1. The SC in its various judgments, has held that faith, the state and the courts have no jurisdiction over an adult’s absolute right to choose a life partner.
  2. India is a “free and democratic country” and any interference by the State in an adult’s right to love and marry has a “chilling effect” on freedoms.
  3. Intimacies of marriage lie within a core zone of privacy, which is inviolable and the choice of a life partner, whether by marriage or outside it, is part of an individual's “personhood and identity”
  4. The absolute right of an individual to choose a life partner is not in the least affected by matters of faith.

Previous Judgements:

Lata Singh Case 1994: The apex court held that India is going through a “crucial transformational period” and the “Constitution will remain strong only if we accept the plurality and diversity of our culture”. Relatives disgruntled by the inter-religious marriage of a loved one could opt to “cut off social relations” rather than resort to violence or harassment.

Hadiya Judgement 2017: Matters of dress and of food, of ideas and ideologies, of love and partnership are within the central aspects of identity. Neither the State nor the law can dictate a choice of partners or limit the free ability of every person to decide on these matters.

K.S. Puttuswamy or ‘privacy’ Judgment 2017: Autonomy of the individual was the ability to make decisions in vital matters of concern to life.

Soni Gerry case, 2018: The SC warned judges from playing “super-guardians”, succumbing to “any kind of sentiment of the mother or the egotism of the father”.

Salamat Ansari-Priyanka Kharwar case of Allahabad High Court 2020: The right to choose a partner or live with a person of choice was part of a citizen’s fundamental right to life and liberty (Article 21). It also held that earlier court rulings upholding the idea of religious conversion for marriage as unacceptable are not good in law.

It’s the duty of the executive and then judiciary to preserve the conscience of the constitution particularly the preamble. Thus, the government implementing such laws needs to ensure that these do not curb one’s Fundamental Rights or hamper national integration instead, these laws need to strike a balance between freedoms and malafide conversions.

Source: TH


GS-III : S&T Computers and IT


What is Quantum Supremacy?

  • It describes the point where quantum computers can do things that classical computers cannot.
  • Superposition and entanglement are what give quantum computers the ability to process so much more information so much faster.

Differences between a standard computer and a quantum computer:

  • A classical computer performs calculations using bits that is 0 (representing off )and 1 (representing on).
  • It uses transistors to process information in the form of sequences of zeros and ones called computer binary language.
  • A quantum computer uses the laws of quantum mechanics.
  • Here, different states can be achieved in particles due to their internal angular momentum called spin.
  • The two states 0 and 1 can be represented in the spin of the particle.
  • Thus, in a classical computer information is expressed through a single number either 0 or 1.
  • A quantum computer uses Qubits which are described as 0 and 1 at the same time giving us more processing power.

Source: TH

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