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02 Jan, 2022

10 Min Read

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020- Structural reforms

GS-II : Governance Education policy

Need to restructure the governing bodies for universities and autonomous colleges

  • Appointments of vice-chancellors: The system of appointments of vice-chancellors and syndicates, or governing councils, the key authorities for any university, needs to be revised.
    • The appointments are often mired in controversies, with frequent reports in the past of aspirants for the post of vice-chancellors and membership of syndicates indulging in unethical practices to gain favour.
    • NEP talks of creating new structures, such as a Board of Management, to replace the syndicate system.
  • Board of Management: The vice-chancellor as chairman, the Board should consist of former vice-chancellors drawn from other universities, members drawn from industry, the alumni, eminent public intellectuals, principals of affiliated colleges on rotation and members representing the non-teaching staff.
    • The Board’s decisions should be taken by consensus or by a majority of the members present.
    • Proceedings should be conducted in virtual mode and made available for stakeholders’ viewership.
  • Search committees: For the appointment of vice-chancellors of universities, search committees constituted for such purposes must be thoroughly restructured.
    • The government’s and chancellors’ role in such committees must be done away with.
  • Government nominees: The practice of having government nominees, chancellor’s nominees and university nominees should be stopped and it should be replaced by drawing an eminent former vice-chancellor or academician of proven integrity and administrative capability for the post of chairman.

Transparent procedures

  • Applications for the post of vice-chancellors can be invited through advertisements on the university website and through newspapers.
  • Biodata of candidates must also be published on the websites.
  • The committee may then allot marks to candidates’ scholarship in terms of teaching and research, administrative capabilities, and capacity for fundraising.
    • The scores obtained by candidates should be consolidated and the names of shortlisted candidates then submitted in the order of merit to chancellors for deciding on formal appointments.
  • Academic audit: Another important issue is accountability of faculty, and the best way to ensure that is to put in place an institutional structure of ‘academic audit’.
  • Self-appraisal reports: Their annual self-appraisal reports can be evaluated by external peers and their recommendations should be strictly implemented.
  • Guest faculty: There is an urgent need to overcome faculty shortage by recruiting teachers in order to overcome the existing trend of higher educational institutions relying on guest faculty.


  • In order to improve the higher education ecosystem, excellence in teaching, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and social contribution must be encouraged.
  • The NEP’s recommendations, like the introduction of four-year courses that have the option of re-entry and exit, one- or two-year postgraduate courses, and setting up of an Academic Bank of Credit for credit transfers, may be helpful.

Read more on NEP,2020 - Click here

Source: TH

‘Padhe Bharat’: 100 days reading campaign

GS-III : Economic Issues Education

‘Padhe Bharat’: 100 days reading campaign

What is the ‘Padhe Bharat’ campaign?

  • Padhe Bharat is a 100 Days Reading Campaign which is in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
  • It emphasises on the promotion of joyful reading culture for children by ensuring the availability of age-appropriate reading books for children in local/mother tongue/regional/tribal Language.
  • There is a need to create an enabling environment in which students read for pleasure and develop their skills through a process that is enjoyable and sustainable and which remains with them for life.

  • Why is reading important for children?
  1. Reading is the foundation of learning, which motivates students to read books independently, develops creativity, critical thinking, vocabulary and the ability to express both verbally and in writing.
  2. It helps children to relate to their surroundings and real-life situation.
  3. The habit of reading, if inculcated at an early age, helps in brain development and enhances imagination and provide a conducive learning environment for children.
  • Padhe Bharat campaign will focus on children studying in Balvatika to Grade 8.
  • The reading campaign will be organised for 100 days (14 weeks) starting from 1st January 2022 to 10th April 2022.
  • The reading campaign aims to have the participation of all stakeholders at the national and state level including children, teachers, parents, community, educational administrators etc.
  • One activity per week per group has been designed with the focus on making reading enjoyable and building lifelong association with the joy of reading.
  • This campaign has also been aligned with the vision and goals of the foundational Literacy and Numeracy mission - NIPUN Bharat Scheme.
  • The 100 days reading campaign will also focus on Indian languages including mother tongue/local/regional languages.
  • It is in this regard, 21st February which is celebrated as International Mother Tongue Day has also been integrated with this campaign.
  • This day will be celebrated with the activity of Kahani Padho Apni Bhasa Main (Reading story in own language) across the country by encouraging children to read in their mother tongue/local language.
  • This will help in promoting the local language and culture of our society.
  • Hence, 100 days Reading Campaign is envisaged to support and encourage students, along with their schools, teachers, parents, and communities, in every possible way and encourage children to read for a joyful learning experience.
  • Department of School Education & Literacy invites all stakeholders to participate wholeheartedly in this campaign to build a strong foundation for our children.

Source: PIB

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