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Water Conservation

  • 25 March, 2021

  • 5 Min Read

Water Conservation


  • There are only two unpolluted fresh water sources left in the country, which we must conserve and use
  • While we are still in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is airborne, we have forgotten that another such blight could well come from contaminated water.

Reasons for rising in mutation among vaccines

  • NITI Ayog and WaterAid, amongst others, have found that over 70% of India’s surface and groundwater is contaminated by human and other waste and is likely to carry viruses.
  • Indiscriminate human activity is often the reason for environmental degradation and pandemics.
  • The practice of keeping animals locked together for mass production of meat produces an artificial environment that can birth mutations in erstwhile dormant viruses.
  • Earlier, in the wild, animals were far away from human habitats. The viruses they harboured remained isolated.
  • But today’s practices can spawn viruses that can easily transfer to the human population.

A source of the virus

  • Once the virus has found its way into the human population, it is bound to proliferate in wastewater.
    • For example, in England, Wales and Scotland, several wastewater samples were tested and were found to carry traces of SARS-CoV-2.
    • Remnants of the virus have also been detected in raw sewage across Sydney.
    • Research at the University of Stirling in Scotland indicates that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can spread through sewage water.
  • But such water is often discharged into water bodies in India.
  • This is an alarming prospect for us as river water or lake water, which carries human waste, sewage, and toxic waste can be a very generous host for viruses of different kinds and we do not know where and how they can mutate and strike.
    • Note: Some water-transmitted viral pathogensà astrovirus, hepatitis A and norovirus.
  • Unlike in the developed world, a huge section of the population in India uses polluted water from sources like rivers, lakes, or groundwater for drinking.
  • But despite the poor quality of water in India, the government has announced a ? 3 lakh crore ‘Nal se Jal’ scheme to provide drinking water connections to every rural household by 2024.
  • Since most of the water sources are contaminated, the only way to purify water is through reverse osmosis (RO).
  •  But though RO removes contaminants, it also takes out all the healthy minerals and nutrients required by the human body.
  • This is an unhealthy and exorbitantly priced proposition. To neutralise the virus, we would need at least an ultraviolet aquaguard treatment.
  • While this won’t take out chemical contaminants, it is also costly.

What can be the solution?

  • The simple answer is that there is no technological substitute for living natural resources like pristine natural water and soil.
  • This means that we must conserve and use our natural living resources.
  • The water beneath our forests is as good as natural spring water.
  • We must safeguard it for our own lives and for future generations.
    • We have destroyed our natural living resources in our rush for development.
  • Our development model is always focused on artificial infrastructure, building highways, industrial plants, high-rise structures. In doing this, we kill our natural resources.
  •  As a result, we are running out of natural infrastructure at an alarming pace.
  • Let’s not forget that developed countries have stable landscapes and populations whereas India has a growing population, which means there will be growing consumption.

Freshwater sources

  • There are two unpolluted fresh water sources left in the country.
    • The first is the water lying below our forests;
    • The second is the aquifers that lie below the floodplains of rivers.
  • Both these sources provide natural underground storage and are renewable – the rains provide natural recharge year after year and it is this recharge which can be used to water our cities and towns.
  • There is one sacred conservation condition: we should use only a fraction of the annual recharge.
    • The aquifers underlying forests can provide healthy mineral water purely for drinking purposes.
    • Since a person drinks only 2-3 litres of water a day, the mineral water requirement is modest.
  • The river floodplains are a great source of water for cities.
    • The Yamuna floodplains in Delhi already use such a scheme to provide water to a million people each year.

Way forward

  • Forests and floodplains must be declared as water sanctuaries.
  • It is time we understood this is natural infrastructure bequeathed to us by nature.

Source: TH


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