Current affairs is an important ingredient in the preparation for UPSC and other competitive exams like CAPF, SSC and Bank exams.
Many IAS candidates find it difficult to prepare UPSC current affairs, as most us depend upon the coaching institutes materials.
We as aspirants rather than focussing on the main sources, from where the UPSC itself refers, we refer to the coaching institute’s materials.
Recent news for UPSC usually covers a period of 1.5 years of holistic current news analysis.
8 Questions that usually arise among the IAS aspirants are:
Does an UPSC Prelims Current affair mean remembering few facts?
Is the coaching classes material, the only source for Daily Current affairs for IAS?
Can coaching class current materials be a substitute for PIB, The Hindu, Yojana, Economic Surveys, Budget, All India Radio and India year Book?
Is it possible for an aspirant to read today current affairs without the help of the coaching institutes?
Should I read PIB and PRS also?
How to identify relevant news for UPSC?
How to read a newspaper in 1 hour?
How to make current notes?
I would try to provide a brief analysis on the importance of UPSC current affairs for an administrator.
Why should an IAS candidate focus on Daily news?
We all should remember that the present IAS candidate is the future administrator for this country. Hence we have to be well aware of our country’s social, economic and political conditions to make good decisions.
Daily news educates us about the present policies on the government for different sections of the society.
It tells us about the position of India on the Global arena.
It helps us to know about recent issues like cyber security lapses by Dtrack malware and Bru refugees.
Greater the amount of concepts and facts an administrator possess better will be his/her decisions.
Why should an IAS officer remember facts like data and National parks?
Let us take a recent example of the Baghjan oil field blast in Assam. Imagine yourself as an administrator of this Tinsukia district. The administrator can prioritise her decisions only based on the facts she remembers. Some of the facts to be remembered by an IAS candidate/ future administrator are:
Baghjan oil field is located near Dibru-Saikhowa National park which hosts tigers, an endangered animal under IUCN red list.
Dibru River flows near this oil field.
Kacharis is the major tribe here.
Assam is rich in oil fields like Digboi, Naharkatiya,etc.
Assam is in the 6th Schedule area under the Constitution; hence more powers are with the District councils than the state governments.
So this knowledge makes us a better civil servant and helps us to make wise and effective decisions.
5 major sources for UPSC current affairs?
The Hindu- Editorials, National News, World news, Science and Tech, Facts.
PIB- Government Policies, Schemes.
PRS- Legislations and Bills.
Yojana magazine of last 12 months prior to exam date.
India Year Book latest edition- Government Schemes, Policies and interventions.
How to make Notes for Daily current affairs for IAS?
Keep a separate note only for Prelims Facts (Eg. Animals name)
Make important editorial summaries and file it according to 4 GS papers in Mains. (Eg. Any editorial related to Earthquakes should be written and filed under the GS Paper 1 folder as it is part of Geography)
Keep a separate note only for data (Eg, GDP)
Keep a separate not for Quotes. It will help in Essay writing.
It is very essential to make your own notes for last minute revision. I hope this information has given you clarity on how to prepare and to make your notes, the Best current affairs material .Hard work and Consistency are only mantras for SUCCESS!!